Saturday, August 04, 2001

Connie says that I have to BLOG. Therefore I am currently BLOGGING. You have just witnessed a blog.

Connie was kind enough to sit down and figure out why no one could actually read anything I had written. It appears I may have created two different BLOG spots and the one I had published to was the one only I got to read. I may have been a bit over worked back then. Anyway, you can now have the pleasure of reading all about anything I choose to ramble on about at any given moment in time. LUCKY YOU!!

I am recovering from my knee surgery quite well. I am hobbling up and down stairs, walking up and down hallways, doing leg-lifts, and just having a blast dodging the dog as she races around my legs trying to trip me. The only down side of all of the great progress my legs are making is that I no longer have an excuse not to be working on tests for school. Oh well. If you all have to work I suppose I can actually make an attempt at getting an education.

Well , I'm done.

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