Thursday, August 16, 2001

Well, Abbie is officially enrolled in school. Last night we went to puppy school orientation. It we almost as mush fun as high school orientation, but more. We took Abbie with us even though we didn't have to. She was spoiled. Only one other owner brought their dog and he came late so Abbie got to demonstrate just about everything. She loves the teacher. She's the "Lady with the TREATS". Which, as everyone who owns a dog knows, means she's the bomb. I think that it's going to be good for her. She comes right away now when I call her name. So now I won't be going hoarse when we go outside and she finds a cat to play with.

I saw the knee doctor, not to be confused with the knee fairy, yesterday. He gave me the ok to jump on my bike, so now I am free again. Took a ride this morning. I do ok in in the middle gears. Low is a bit too tough when I climb hills but It shouldn't take too long to work my way back up to it. High is a snap. I LOVE biking. Glad my lungs can handle it now. I've gone frome a 30% lung capasity in 1993 up to 64% this year. I might have real lungs by the time I die at this rate.

Lorene, Toni, and Rob. Have fun watching people beat each other up tonight. IT'S SMACK DOWN NIGHT! I know it's improtant to you. Do me a favor though. Don't pick any fights with stupid people. There will be plenty of temtation to do this tonight, try to avoid it.

Lorene as for your question, I can say just about everything under the sun to my mom and she forgets it instantly (think she's having a midlife crisis).

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