Saturday, January 12, 2002

Things observed, ummm, yesterday.

So call me stupid but, if you owned a Geo Metro and you knew you tended to go a bit fast into the turns, wouldn't you wear a seatbelt? I know I would. Apparently the driver going into my parents neighborhood didn't see a need to. I am sure he/she regrets it now. Took out a brick fence and the windshield. Kinda cool to see them lying accros the hood of the car though.

Spring in in the air.
Saw a Robin today. Spring is usually about 3 to 4 weeks away from my first site of one.
Woowoo! SLC in 2002! Go Skiers!

Why is it whenever you need the sleep the most you can't get it? Don't worry though, as soon as you can't afford to take time to rest your body will demand that you do so.

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