Sunday, September 01, 2002

You all missed it!

Last night's feasting, drinking and dancing were great except for a couple of minor things...the missing friends. For those of you who made it, thank you so much for joining us. I know that I was glad to see you and I am certain Connie feels the same way. For those of you that were unable to attend, I missed you all. I would have loved to have seen you there but I completely understand. Contrary to my favorite belief, the world does not revolve around me, and people around me are allowed to have a life outside of me. I do want you to know, however, you did miss "Drunk Connie". Have no fear there are pictures. Fortunately I was taking them so nothing can be held against me, hehehehe. See I did learn something after all those years with Connie.

Well I am going to try lying down and finally go to sleep without seeing eyes. Probably won't work but I am going to try.

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