Wednesday, October 10, 2001

Boy has it been awhile since I last wrote anything. Maybe that's cause nothing much has been going on. Well Last week made up for the lax in my ever growing dull life. Monday I sliced open my finger and managed to get see cartilage, so they made me get stiches. Tuesday I shopped around for car insurance. Wednesday I took and passed that damn Server test ( I'm a MCP now!). On Wednesday I also picked up my new, old car (I now own a wagon for my dog). Oh yeah, Wednesday Connie walked out on Pioneer (A#@HOLES!). Thursday I kicked back and did nothing worth remembering. Friday I got a massage. I don't have a clue what happened to Saturday and Sunday but they came and went. I am now getting ready to head out and see about passing a few more tests. Oh and UPS SUCKS (just in case you wanted to know).

Have a good day ya all!