Thursday, March 07, 2002

Ok now I know Blogger is working.

So tonight sucks. That is what I blogged earlier but in not so nice terms. It has to get better though, right?

Well the birthday is done and over with for the most part. I know that I am getting to be old and tired of the birthday thing. My sister and parents took me to dinner at IGGY's last night and the wait staff sang to me and all I could muster is a little congenial grin for them. No more of the embarassing, red hot face. Of course I think I may have grown out of that when I sat down with Connie's mom to read a kinky sex toy book. That's enough to take embarassment out of everything for anyone. I have to admit that the best gift I got this year came from my nephew. Now you all have to understand that this is a two year old trying to get his favorite Aunt the perfect gift. What he thought would be great was promptly shot down by Grandma and the other aunt. They both seem to think that I would not have appreciated Barney very much. I think it would have been great. He picked it after all. But no he had to go back to the process of picking me the perfect DVD. After much deliberation and thought he reached up, grab the DVD, and shoved it into my mother's hand stating,"This Gracie present!!" I got Ghandi. Very good movie. A bit long, but a very good movie nonetheless. I recommend it to anyone. Especially if you can get it from a two year old. I really am beginning to think that boy is around just to take care of me. I love seeing him and spending time with him. He always manages to make me smile somehow. Oh and you all should see him play with Abbie. Those two are so cute together.

Anyways...So I am thinking of dozing off for a minute or two here. I love coming back from lunch/dinner. The phone goes dead and I can just slow down for the night.

What the hell? So I blog and stupid blogger doesn't post it. Damn it. I typed for nothing.

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

Nighty Night

Sweet dreams to all. Have a great day at work.
I found it!

I can't believe how true this one is. This is Connie and Cassanrda. I almost busted a gut laughing at this.
Happy Birthday To Me!!

Tuesday, March 05, 2002


A hacker who truely understands the consept of hacking. Check out CNN's story. This gal did something that I wish I had done.

Oh yeah, so this is a virus update too.
I am going back to my earlier question...why aren't psycic's psycic?

Your success right now could depend on knowing when to move forward and when to remain still. You may have a tendency to be somewhat careless and take things for granted today. But if you're not careful, you could very easily lose your footing. So just try to be very aware of every move you make right now.

Take responsibility for the needless drama you have created. A sensitive person mistook so much to be reality. Discipline yourself to acknowledge things as they are, not as you wish them to be.

Didn't know I had created drama. Sorry about that. As for that last bit, I go back to my OUCH!
Ok, maybe I shouldn't have unplugged the phone...

Improvisation lets you dance away from trouble. A near miss might be about ineptitude, but it can also showcase your skills. A boss or powerful client is taking notes on your performance.
What a night!

So I got here at 4:00pm plugged in my phone and took one call after another until 8:45pm. No break. I actually unplugged the phone halfway through somone's goodbye so I could take a break, after wich I promptly took my lunch. Nice of me huh. So now that I'm back Everyone from Mass. have gone to bed and the calls have dropped off. So now I get the pleasure of listening to recorded calls to see just how many of my people got as frustrated as I felt during that little phone jam. You know it wouldn't be so bad if all I had to do was listen. But no, I get to take calls too. I realize it helps me learn more but man, I really don't like not being able to take a breath between calls.

Monday, March 04, 2002


I was wondering if you got that memo?
Well I survived the night!

Home to bed now. After I pick up the hairy little kid.
1:30am AND ALL IS WELL!!!

Just in case someone cares to know.

Sunday, March 03, 2002

Profound Thoughts...

"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never struck by bolts of lightning."

- someone named Calvin
Wow only 7 people left!

This floor got quiet when I left for dinner. If it get's too quiet I may fall asleep. The late night thing isn't going too bad considering I just spent 4 weeks trying to learn to sleep at night again. Now I get to learn to sleep in the day all over and I may get a shift change back to day's next week. That should really mess me up. I will be back to not sleeping in no time.
Paperwork's done...

now what do I do for the next 5 and half hours?
Why aren't pyscic's psycic?

Shouldn't they be the same? I mean if you are a true psycic you would know what the other psycic predicted and predict the same wouldn't you?

It should be a pretty good time to indulge in some of your dreams and fantasies, just try not to get too lost in the clouds today if you can help it. Your intuition should be right on, so try to listen to that inner voice. And if your intuition leads you to believe that someone else might be interested in you, you just might be right.

Please your palate with the taste that you've been craving. Anyone within earshot soon knows all about your likes and dislikes. When Water Signs get together, their combined power sweeps all else out of the way.
You know...

Some people aren't too bright!!! You cannot tell the customer they are stupid even if you do have the mute button pushed. I can still hear it and you will get marked lower on your call evaluation!
Ok so now I'm pushing it.

When you are told you need to get off the phone and go to training you really should not back talk the boss. FYI! But somehow I avoid getting the write up that the other 3 people got. I really do get away with murder don't I.
The Birthday Celebration Has Begun!!

Thank you Jen!! My book colection is now complete. I have now got something of everything to read. Jen completed my collection on Friday. Feeling that need to give me my birthday present early, Jen met me over at Connie's (we were working on her taxes) and gave me my gift. I now have a book that details the making of one's kinky toy's. In fact it's called "Kinky Toy's". I have to admit I never expected that one. It is a good book though. Just ask Joyce. She'll tell you. I am not sure but I think we bonded over the book. Never expected to bond with my ex's mom over a sex book. That's one for the books. Jen also gave me a very nice gardening set. Complete with seeds. Now that Spring is here, and YES it is, I am looking forward to working on the yard. I really let it go last year. Connie and her mother gave me my present early also. I am loving it. I got a digital camera! It is nice. I have managed to take about 4 or 5 dozen pictures and haven't had to spend a fortune developing the film. Which means I actually develop the film. Now I have to get my web site going. I took Abbie to the puppy park today and took picture's of her. I would have downloaded them but I got selfish and went and got my hair cut before work. Can't wait to get off and take a look at them. It's going to be nice when I go to Florida. I can update pic's daily while I am there. Sweet!

Well I guess I better get back to the work thing.