Friday, November 09, 2001

So, I have been burning CD's for the last 3 and half hours. Why? Because I can. That and I really don't want to study today. I guess I am just looking for an excuse to stay away from my books.

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

Damn! The computer froze up right in the middle of my blogging. ARGH!!!!!!!! I really hate that. ok so let me just start this again.

Ok, I made it to Wednesday. I know it's not much but it's something. Connie has had the stomach flu for the past 4 day's. NOT COOL! My parent's are now feeling puky. My sister is puking. My nephew was puking. Do you think people around me are sick of me? Hummmmm, makes you wonder, huh? I have had the ache's but I am not really ill, yet. Maybe those vitimins actually work.


"ok, ok, ok", Connie says with a tired look in her eye's, "ok mom, ok, alright, ok mom. Bye."

Well, we are off. To the mom's home. Not a bad thing, I am just tired. Been running nonstop all week and weekend and I just want a nap. Oh well, guess that will come later.


Have a good day.

Monday, November 05, 2001

It's Monday!

Yes once again we are plagued by that most horrible of day's, Monday. I don't know about the rest of you but I am thinking that we should all go out and hunt down who ever it was that came up with Monday and shoot him. I know it was a him that came up with Monday because no woman, sane or not, would ever create a Monday. I am going to spend my Monday with my father, yea. Not that he's a bad man, I just have things I would rather do right now (like study). Well go to run need to go pick up dad.