Monday, December 24, 2001

Have I ever mentioned my love of drugs?

While the gang all participated in the joy of the holiday's last night, I was laying in bed trying to study for a test with UTA today and fighting off a screaming migraine. Neither was successful, so I took a sleeping pill and shut off the phones. I managed to fall asleep and get so rest before the "kids" showed up. The good news is I got rid of the headache and the test today was pretty simple. It had quite a few questions about Windows 95, and since we had such a cooprative computer a few monthes ago I happen to have an in depth knowledge of Windows 95. And I thought that we had a bad computer. Little did I know that it knew I needed to learn these things.

I want to wish all a Happy Holiday!! I hope the party was a grand success as usual. Oh, and Mat, sorry I couldn't play attempt to get Grace drunk games with you.

Merry Christmas!!

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