Friday, January 25, 2002

Well, a whole week without a comment from me.

The last week has been hell. Con wasn't the only one sick. I got slammed on Saturday with the crap. Slept until Monday and have been fighting a pain in the ass cough since. I don't really feel yucky I just sound bad. The rest of my family is really ill though. My aunt has pneumonia, my cousin and her kids are a step away from it. My nephew has a fever that won't stop. My mom and dad could stand to have thier lungs sucked dry and I get the pleasure of running all over for everyone getting medicines or juice. I guess if the worst that I have is a cough I can't complain too loudly but this was supposed to be a week of getting everything done before I start the new job. Well there is always Saturday.

Good news though, my back is back in working order so sticking to the PT was a good idea Scottie. Bad news is I have to keep thinking of things that don't work on me so I can keep seeing the therapist :). I will not go and ask her out no matter how often Con presses the issue. She's cute and nice and speaks French and Italian fluently and and and and. I haven't got the nerve to just ask her out. I am not really thinking I want to date right now but I also know that I just haven't got the nerve to ask her. So I will just have to keep hurting myself until I do.

I am overly stoked about starting the new job. I have even had my clothes pressed for the past week. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to avoid traffic during the 2 weeks of Olympic Hell since all the damned events that are going to take place at the Oval will all start or end right when I need to be leaving. Maybe I'll just stay down at my parents house so I can try to avoid the worst of the crowds. The dog has mellowed out in the past 4 weeks. So leaving her isn't going to be a problem. About the only thing that I can think of that HAS to be done is getting a decent hair cut. I do have about a bizillion other little things that I would like to have done but they will have to wait. I did manage to get in one more test at school. My goal was two but everytime I turned around I had something else that had to be done. Network Infastructure shouldn't be rushed though so rather than blow $100.00 because I am in a rush and I fail the test (already did that with the last one), I will just take my time and study.

I got to run and go find my blasted sister. She has my car and if I have any hopes of having a decent hair cut I need to get it back.

BTW, anyone know how Lorene's mom's eye's are? I never seem to get a hold of her to find out myself.

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