Sunday, May 12, 2002

Happy Mothers Day!

A beautiful Mother's Day for all to enjoy. Time for us all to take a moment and thank our Mother's for all they have done. The simple fact that we are able to be part of this world and experience all it has to offer, should give us a moment's pause and a thought to the woman who made us part of the experience of life.

I was talking with my Mother the other day and she said she was not sure that she had been a very good mom. I thought about this for about 2 milliseconds and told her she was horribly wrong with that thought. The lives of her children may not have turned out the way she had envisioned them to, but all of her children are not only intelligent and smart they love fully and unconditionally those who are part of their lives. They do not judge other's based upon looks or lifestyle. They have the ability to take some of the worst things life can throw at them, gain experience and knowledge and still come out on top and looking better. The world may cut and scar them but they turn the scars into an art in and of itself and still try their best to hold no malice toward the one's who inflicted the injuries. They will give all and ask little in return. When their family or friend's are threatened they become a force to be reckoned with and never has one of them had to stand alone in a fight. When one is in danger of falling the other's immediately form a chain to rescue them. My Mother did not raise fools. We would never try to cheat someone. We do not go around willy-nilly in the world. We have strong family values. We love, laugh, and cry openly and honestly. She not only gave knowledge, she allowed us to go out and use it, learning and growing in ways no other child I grew up with was allowed to experience. Because of our Mother we are incredible people. We may pass through this world never known by all but the one's who do meet and know us do not forget us. We are who we are because of our own choices. Not because of choices forced upon us. I could not have asked for a better Mom. I love her. I care for her. I would do anything for her.

Thank you Mom for allowing me to be me. For good or bad I am who I am because I was taught to be strong in my convictions and true to my heart. Thank you for coming to my aid when I asked for help yet all the while allowing me to learn and grow, love and hurt. Thank you for standing by, while I made choices that may not have been the best but were still mine to be made, and not judging me for having made them.

I Love You Mom!

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