Thursday, March 07, 2002

Ok now I know Blogger is working.

So tonight sucks. That is what I blogged earlier but in not so nice terms. It has to get better though, right?

Well the birthday is done and over with for the most part. I know that I am getting to be old and tired of the birthday thing. My sister and parents took me to dinner at IGGY's last night and the wait staff sang to me and all I could muster is a little congenial grin for them. No more of the embarassing, red hot face. Of course I think I may have grown out of that when I sat down with Connie's mom to read a kinky sex toy book. That's enough to take embarassment out of everything for anyone. I have to admit that the best gift I got this year came from my nephew. Now you all have to understand that this is a two year old trying to get his favorite Aunt the perfect gift. What he thought would be great was promptly shot down by Grandma and the other aunt. They both seem to think that I would not have appreciated Barney very much. I think it would have been great. He picked it after all. But no he had to go back to the process of picking me the perfect DVD. After much deliberation and thought he reached up, grab the DVD, and shoved it into my mother's hand stating,"This Gracie present!!" I got Ghandi. Very good movie. A bit long, but a very good movie nonetheless. I recommend it to anyone. Especially if you can get it from a two year old. I really am beginning to think that boy is around just to take care of me. I love seeing him and spending time with him. He always manages to make me smile somehow. Oh and you all should see him play with Abbie. Those two are so cute together.

Anyways...So I am thinking of dozing off for a minute or two here. I love coming back from lunch/dinner. The phone goes dead and I can just slow down for the night.

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